Published Photos
I use my camera to enhance the stories I tell. Not only do I love to tell
a story through words I am over the moon when I get to add photos into
the mix. Since the summer of 2021 I have had my photos published with my stories.
PHOTOS: Piccolo Spoleto sand sculpting shenanigans take over IOP
Charleston City Paper
Sand sculptors of all ages flocked to Isle of Palm’s Front Beach for the Piccolo Spoleto Festival’s 33rd Sand Sculpting Contest. The competition was split up into four age categories: kids, young adult, family and adult.
PHOTO ESSAY: Piccolo Spoleto Craft Fair
Charleston City Paper
From one-of-a-kind patchwork bags to walking sticks with compasses hidden in the top to beach-inspired mugs imprinted with shells there was a little bit of everything at this year’s Piccolo Spoleto Craft Show.
This new Cazenovia coffee shop serves Instagram-worthy lattes along with inclusivity
Published in
The neon sign that reads “This must be the place” glows over a bed of green foliage, welcoming people into Purpose Coffee Co. in Cazenovia.
A blossoming
family business
It’s obvious a plant is thriving when it outgrows its pot — the same could be said for businesses when they move to a bigger location.
Plant shop Adopted Roots opened last October on South Warren Street, aiming to capitalize on new renters moving downtown, looking to decorate their apartments.
Spirited Retreats
Published in CNY Magazine, and NY Up
An 1850 farmhouse complete with a sauna. A hobbit house in a backyard. A family home-turned- glamping paradise. Tucked in among Central New York’s more strictly functional listings on the popular vacation rental site Airbnb are these one-of-a-kind places owned by passionate, artistic residents.
One person’s trash creates new treasures
Published in The NewsHouse
Local artists talk about the importance of incorporating sustainability into their work.