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Academic Projects





Syracuse University

I am working toward my master's of art degree in arts journalism and

communications within the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.

AJC 606: Features and Critical Writing

Erica Dorn

Final Profile


Josh Weissman:
Food Content and Gen Z

Critical Essay: Rabbit Hole


Mental Health Representation
on 'WandaVision'

Feature Story


ICC 565: Designing Interactivity

Final Coding Assignment

As a culminating project for my coding class, I designed, developed and coded a mock website for The Poster Project in Syracuse, N.Y.

I used Adobe XD to design wireframes for the site. I then moved into coding the HTML and CSS for the site. The site is also designed for mobile compatibility. 

Wire Frame


MND 605: News Writing and Reporting

Final News Writing Project

After a six-week intensive of writing weekly news stories, developing weekly pitch lists and fast-paced in-class exercises it culminated with a final news project that incorporated multimedia.  

I pitched a story about sustainable artists that included an Instagram story featuring the individual artists and photos that captured the artists at work (click the Instagram logo to view.) 

After the class, the story was published on The NewsHouse.

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VIS 501: Photography

Personal Photography Project: Waterfalls of Central New York
Cumulative Portfolio

Gonzaga University

I graduated from Gonzaga University in May 2021 magna cum laude.

I got my bachelor of arts degree in journalism with minors in communication studies and political science. 


Communication Studies and Journalism Academic Papers

The Democratic Implications
of News Deserts 

Final research paper for

JOUR 440: Senior Seminar: Media and Democracy


Intersectional Analysis of
The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Final research paper for

COMM 430: Intersectional Communication


Sight of Memory Redesign:
The Newseum

Final project for

COMM 350: Politics of Social Memory


JOUR 370: Emerging Media Projects

Interview Podcast

For this project, my partner, Nick Tomoyasu, and I chose to interview Kevin Hekmatpanah, the director of the Gonzaga Symphony Orchestra, professor of music and cello player. 

This assignment required us to use a Zoom recorder for the interview and Audacity to edit the audio.

This assignment required us to create an interview podcast and script. 


Interview Podcast: Kevin HekmatpanahRiley Utley and Nick Tomoyasu
00:00 / 10:47

Podcast Script


Creative Podcast

My partners for this project, Morgan Scheerer and Brooklyn Popp, and I chose to make our podcast about the debate around reproductive rights on Gonzaga's campus. Since GU is a Jesuit/Catholic university we saw an opportunity to document a debate that is not only going on at GU but in many Jesuit/Catholic circles. 

This assignment required us to use a Zoom recorder for the interview and Audacity to edit the audio. We interviewed four people for this project: the co-founder of the Students for Reproductive Rights Club, the president and pregnant on-campus coordinator of the Students for Life Club and a religious studies professor. 

This assignment required us to create an interview podcast and script. 


Burning IssuesRiley Utley, Morgan Scheerer & Brooklyn Popp
00:00 / 28:57

Podcast Script


Three Things Blog with Video

For this assignment, I was tasked with creating a video and blog post about three things to do while at home because of the coronavirus. 

I filmed all elements of her video on my iPhone and edited the video using iMovie.


Creative Video PSA with Social Media

Going into the 2020-21 school year I wanted the Gonzaga community to know that no matter the major they can come work and learn at The Gonzaga Bulletin. My plan was to speak with five people currently employed at The Bulletin who will be there next year as well who all have different majors and interests in writing. With applications opening up soon to write and edit at The Bulletin this PSA served as a tool to show people what we do as a publication and how they could work here no matter the background. 

I filmed some interviews through Zoom screen recording and had other sources send in their video. I edited the video together with iMovie.

I also created a social media plan to use this PSA as a recruiting tool for The Bulletin in the coming semester.


Social Media Plan


Final Project: Video and Story

I decided to do my final project about the Davenport High School class of 2017. I graduated with this class and wanted to create something that could be used as a tool to show current high school students to illuminate the options they have after high school and how Utley's former classmates have used their high school education in the last three years. 

She wrote a feature story with three sources and created a compilation video using Zoom and her iPhone to highlight the lessons her classmates have learned. She edited the video in iMovie.

© by Riley Utley

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